I am a precocious teenager living in Nebraska, an avid reader, and a from-afar-admirer.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
High School
Wednesday: Pretty good-- no 'big' kids to scare us wienies.
#lost: 3 times
Thursday: The upperclassmen came and got confused a lot. Misplaced my agenda. Being me, I got extremely nervous because my planner had my schedule and a map of the school.
#lost: 2 times
Friday: Jessica and Beauty had my planner. Apparently, I left it in the commons during lunch the day before. Homework in Geometry AND English. I never thought I'd say this, but, I miss Miss Joseph's class(it was so much easier). P.E.: Mr. Brown is AWESOME!
#lost: 0 times
Right after school, I went to the DMV and took the test for the permit for the third time and guess what........
I Passed!!!!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
How Weird?
Last week I was watching the Today Show and there was a story about how women in their 70 are having babies. They interview this 70-year-old woman in India. She felt like she was excepted in her village and the other women there stopped making fun of her[after she had given birth].
The thing is that it wasn't even her child, because she was passed menopause, but it was her husband's seaman. Some doctors had used a donor's eggs and put them into her. In the segment they even said "Technology tells us what we can do, but not what we should do." [sound familiar?]
Just thought I should post something:)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
late night thinkin'
lately i've been watching "bones" on tnt. the episodes have been the GORMOGON episodes, before they realize that zack is a bad guy. (which made me really sad because he was really cute[i need to stop basing people's "goodness" factor on appearences])
OH, by the way-- when you say the bolded word up top, you've got to say it spookily.[to make it sound cool:)]
sorry- had some thoughts and wanted to write them down- thanx for reading.
Canada Day!!!!

Happy Canada Day. I don't know what it's supposed to be about. Maybe Canada?
Hey isn't Darren Criss awesome??
^^Thats him:)
You know that movie-The Last Airbender- well he auditioned for the part of Prince Zuko. I soooo wish that he would have gotten that part.:(
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Adam's Party
Just got back from cuz's party. Lots o' little kiddies running a muck. ANYWAY, he had a couple friends there and one of them was pretty cute. And he's in the summer musical.(I think I might go see it[well i was already going to see it but this gives me a better reason])
It was Adam's 16th and people gave him 'Toy Story' stuff (when it the first came out he loved it, actually he told us that cried when he saw the new one[oh, adam])
My fam' is a guitar fam', and one of his friends, MARK, is ahhmazing at guitar. he even impressed my dad playing it[now thats saying somethin'].
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Glee has done a great job with giving the different characters plot-lines. But i really think that Mike Chang[or as Sue calls him, "other-Asian"] and Matt, the other guy who hasn't talked, need to have lives. They need to have tie-ins so they aren't just extra glee- clubers.
Also, I think they should have Jesse next year, eventhough he was a senior. AND i think Shue needs to stop being a man-whore[pardon my French, but there is no other word for it(:] I heard that Kurt[the gay kid] will be getting a love interest next year. I also think that Shelby[Vocal Adrenaline's coach] needs to be like involved in Rachel's life and Rachel should like be a big sister to Beth.
Just some thoughts;)
Friday, June 18, 2010
1) finished wicked last night. best book.
2) VBS was this last week. i got to help w/ the pre-schoolers.=] they were so cute.
3)My Mom, dad, and i are going to omaha/lincoln this next week. gonna see the touring broadway beauty and the beast in omaha.
4) im reading son of a witch: volume two in the wicked years [the sequel to wicked.]
5) last time i was in omaha, i saw that they had season 1 of merlin{ahhmazing BBC SHOW} on DVD. i might 'persuade' the 'rents to get it :)
Well.....thats all i have to say about that <<[line from forrest gump(:]
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Ode to Converse

O, converse the shoe of the people
With the wide varray
Of assorted colors:
Red, Blue and Purple
To plaid and black
To those who say you are stupid
Don't value your amazing qualities
That the generations of past have appreciated
You are perfect for everyone
O, converse, my favorite shoe
O, Chuck Taylor, thank you
~Taylor Koch
With the wide varray
Of assorted colors:
Red, Blue and Purple
To plaid and black
To those who say you are stupid
Don't value your amazing qualities
That the generations of past have appreciated
You are perfect for everyone
O, converse, my favorite shoe
O, Chuck Taylor, thank you
~Taylor Koch
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Magic is outlawed in Camelot by King Uther. Merlin has the natural gift of it. He's Prince Arthur's manservant, Gaius the physician's helper, and a warlock. Gwen is Morgana's(the king's ward) servant, and the future queen.
Its a gripping story that shows how Arthurian legends started.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
one more day,, one more day,, one more day,, the weekend is taking so long to come. i want it to come. NOW!!!!!! i finally finished for one more day by mitch albom it was really good. i recomend it to anybody who cares. now im finally reading tuesdays with morrie. i missed out on the chance to see the play but maybe lamb will do it again. :)
sincerely yours:),
-TaylorElizabethKoch ;)
Monday, April 5, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
youtube Sam Show
The Sam Show is ahhhmazing!! I star as a fictional outcast of Columbus, Ohio, Sam Johnson. She's in 9th grade and has 3 friends: Sam, Jack, and Anna. In an upcoming episode, she'll became a frantic, nervous mess. It's on my youtube channel.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Showtime

Now my show has been "The Office" but the show "Glee" has been creeping up my list. Its a musical comedy that can be dramatic sometimes. The main charaters are Racheal Berry, the star of glee-club who has to out shine everybody, Finn Hudson, the star quarter back who is very confused for multiple reasons, and Will Schuester, a Spanish teacher with a passion to help the biggest losers of William McKinley High School, the Glee club.
The Office, on the other hand, is a hilarious show based on the British phenomenon, The Office. It has so many characters, I don't have enough time to type them all.
So you choose, comment and answer this question, "Which is better, the Office, or Glee?"
~Taylor Koch
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Funniest Science Class Ever
What's another way you categorized the rocks?
What the Fract is that?
It's a word!!!!
Funniest Science class ever
Friday, February 5, 2010
Dream[F.Y.I this is a work of fiction, I have never had this dream.](i tried to make it like the raven by Poe)
It always starts the same, me in my room, alone. I'm watching T.V. when suddenly, a bird, a raven, swoops in through my open window. Apparently, the love of life had just passed away. I am asking God why, as we all do when somebody dies of whom they love.
The raven had been hanging on to my every word. It says, "Nevermore," as a response. That devil-bird causes me to take a dive into the deep-end of sanity.
Did you like my story? I tried to base it on The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
As Long As You're Mine
This is not written by me, but I love Wicked and this song. : )
Kiss me too fiercely
Hold me too tight
I need help believing
You're with me tonight
My wildest dreamings
Could not foresee
Lying beside you
With you wanting me
And just for this moment
As long as you're mine
I've lost all resistance
And crossed some borderline
And if it turns out
It's over too fast
I'll make ev'ry last moment last
As long as you're mine
Maybe I'm brainless
Maybe I'm wise
But you've got me seeing
Through different eyes
Somehow I've fallen
Under your spell
And somehow I'm feeling
It's "up" that I fell
Every moment
As long as you're mine
I'll wake up my body
And make up for lost time
Say there's no future
For us as a pair
And though I may know
I don't care!
Just for this moment
As long as you're mine
Come be how you want to
And see how bright we shine
Borrow the moonlight
Until it is through
And know I'll be here holding you
As long as you're mine
(spoken) What is it?
(spoken) It's just - for the first time, I feel - (whispers) wicked!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Oh No
I think I fell
Ow, My arm hurts
Is that blood?
It was only 3 inches
It doesn’t hurt too much
Oh, good! I have a band-aid
I’m fine
I can go on
~Taylor Koch
Thankful for......{eng. asst.}

Taylor Koch
Pd. 6
There are so many thing to be thankful for, too many to count.
I’m thankful for the way the leaves change from color to color. Unfortunately, they must fall.
For sports. Whether I’m watching or playing, I always enjoy it. My favorite sport to play is softball. My favorite for watching is baseball though.
For school, it’s not fun but it is essential. For the teachers who teach me, for the fun we have, and for the things we learn.
For those people who I call friends. The genuine kindness I see everyday. The friendships that last forever and the people who make them happen. And for those who never change.
For technology. The advancements in the world that make daily living possible. From computers and phones to medical devices, they’re all important.
For t-shirts. The “can’t live without” clothing item. You can express your political opinions or your favorite show. They are, in my opinion, the epitome of self-expression.
For my room. My safe place. The place I relax and find comfort. It’s like my haven.
For my family. My mom, dad, and my sisters; they will always be there for me. I can count on them even though we may fight and get into arguments.
For humor. Laughing adds seconds onto your life, I know why. It makes us happy. It’s the thing that cheers us up when we’re feeling bad.
For my dog. She may have a loud, shrill bark, but she always puts a smile on my face.
For the little things during the day. Random, unique, interesting things we learn and experience. Whether it’s a smile from a stranger or seeing a good Samaritan at work, these things always brighten my day.
All these things, plus many more, make life worth living. These are what I am thankful for.
The Philosophy of Middle School (pt. 1)
Have you ever noticed that people, who are considered “cool,” are flat out jerks? I guess you could call my years in school my research. I have experienced the coolest of the cool and the biggest and lamest losers ever. I’ve been in the company of both.
Recently, in yearbook, some people were talking about a person who was “cool” and nice, they were saying that she was fat and she looked ugly the day before. I wanted to go over to their table and tell them off. But then I realized, that was the type of people they were. Cruel, rude, and judgmental, but behind people’s backs. I don’t think its right. Then I over heard the same group talk about a different person, only that person wasn’t popular. That still doesn’t make it right. It made me think about how other cliques viewed other cliques. So, I started my investigation.
I began to learn from people the characteristics of their friends. You could say that I took a census of the 8th grade social status. I also recruited a couple of my closer friends to help me.
Here are some of the results:
To begin popular. There are many groups to go along with this extensive class. But in all of them they have something in common, sports. Sports seems to be the “universal” common denominator. They all seem to play basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, or track. A characteristic with some of these people is they think that they are the greatest thing to happen ever. It really makes me think about how they think of other people, “Do they think they’re better?” “Do they think that being good at sports will help you when your older and get real job?”
Next is middle. I think that I might fit well into that group. I mean, I’m not the most coolest person ever and I don’t think I’m at the bottom of the food chain. These people tend to make friends easier, and aren’t as picky with their friends as the popular kids tend to be. They usually do well or are average in their studies. Sometimes they are very quiet.
Lastly is the bottom. These kids are a little slower then the others. They are usually loud and have annoying tendencies. They may be rather lager than the other groups and tend to be unkept. This means their hair may be greasy and they might have a slight body odor. But sometimes you have to remember that it might not be their fault, their parents might not care, or their home life might be unsuitable.
After assessing these groups, I have come to a conclusion; people tend to think higher of themselves then they really are. That is exactly what most people should do because of self-esteem.
Almost all people have poor self-esteem. Self-esteem is, basically, how you feel about yourself.
I Know You So Well
I know you so well!
We’ve been in school together since 1st grade
And I’ve learned so much
I know you can be a loner sometimes
And that’s cool
You have a few jerky friends
But who doesn’t these days
We’ve been friends since…
I don’t know anymore,
Are we still friends?
I know you’ll say yes
We talk in the halls
But I’m still not that sure
Please give me a clue.
Hey, I guess I don’t know EVERYTHING about you.
~Taylor Koch
Why do I hate you?
Why do you annoy me?
Why are so irksome?
Why do I smile?
Why do you?
Why is it that when I see you I feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
Why do you wink?
Why do I?
Why do we laugh together?
Why are we still friends?
Why has this friendship lasted for
Why do I ignore you?
Why do I poke fun at you?
Why do you not care?
~Taylor Koch
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