Back of book summary (keep in mind: my copy is the Commemorative Edition for the year 1984):
"The year 1984 is finally upon us, and George Orwell's prophetic, nightmare vision in 1949 of the world we were becoming is timelier than ever. 1984 is still the great modern classic of "Negative Utopia:-- a startlingly original and powerful novel that creates an imaginary world that is completely convincing, from the first sentence to the last four words"
I read this last year, and it was scary. Thought police, giant TVs in every home that, instead of you watching it, it watched you.
1984 was very different from the books I normally read. It was dark. I suppose I chose to read it because of my 8th grade science teacher, Mr. Kruse. He based a lot of our lessons on this book and also Adlous Huxley's Brave New World, which I have yet to read.
I would most certainly recommend this to all who have allowed technology to over-take their lives. It shows how we must take a second look and analyze where our "short-cuts" are really taking us.
**4 out of 5 stars