Back of book summary:
""It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife." This memorably begins Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, one of the world's most popular novels. Pride and Prejudice-- Austen's own, "darling child" -- tells the story of fiercely independent Elizabeth Bennet, one of five sisters who must marry rich, as she confounds the arrogant, wealthy Mr. Darcy. What ensues is one of the most delightful and engrossingly readable courtships known to literature, written by a precocious Austen when she was just twenty-one years old.Humourous and profound, and filled with highly entertaining dialogue, this witty comedy of manners dips and turns through drawing-rooms and plots to reach an immensely satisfying finale. In the words of Eudora Welty, Pride and Prejudice is as "irresitible and as nearly flawless as any fiction could be.""
A very clichéd book-- I know! But I had to read, I had to! And I'm glad I did. I absolutely adored this book! P&P is a classic for a reason. When an unfortunate event befell the Bennet family, I felt their pain, their disgrace. When one of the girls received a marriage proposal (from the right guy), I was excited and giddy. My cheeks hurt from smiling and my heart hurt from aching.
I chose to start this book because of the mini-series, Lost in Austen (LiA), and the webseries, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (LBD). In LiA, the main character is P&P's #1 fan. She miraculously get the opportunity to swap places/lives with Elizabeth Bennet. Thus, a new and absurd retelling of the tale commences. Some characters who were previously labeled as "villains" become the new heroine's hero. LBD is an updated version of the story told through video blogs (vlogs). And it is adorable! All the actors portray the characters so well: Jane is a sweet heart and Lydia a party animal. It is simply FANTASTIC.
I always used to wonder what all the hype about Mr. Darcy was. Well, now I know. All the attention the character gets is well deserved. I fell in love with him. I fell in love with Darcy the same way I fell in love with Augustus Waters (The Fault in Our Stars): I wanted him to be with the heroine of the story. Unlike TV, where I wish I could get the guy, I shipped Elizabeth/Darcy so hard. My little shipper heart couldn't take it. I didn't fall in love with Darcy, I fell in love with Darcy and Lizzie, as a pair. And I think that when an author is capable of making one fall in love with two people together, well that's talent.
**5 out of 5 stars
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